Search Results - human body Why Diversity Is Important To Keep In Mind When Developing AiIt is important to keep diversity in mind wh... Microsoft California Banned Robots That Pretend To Be HumanCalifornia has banned robots that pretend to... Bill Biosphere 2: Exploring a Forgotten Space Colony ExperimentToday, Biosphere 2 is a science research fac... Biosphere When Your Mind Is In Another Body: The Politics Of Netflix's Altered CarbonAltered Carbon is a Netflix show based on th... People Video: Are We Close To Connecting Our Minds To Artificial Intelligence?Scientists and researchers have for years wo... Human Video: Netflix Shows Off Lab-grown BodiesAt CES the Psychasec booth showed off an ela... Booth This Stem-cell Implant Might Halt Blindness09 april 9am An eye implant, which... Cells This Is One Giant Mechanical ExoskeletonDesigned by a company with the name of Skele... Mechanical Video: Introducing The Human Powered Elevator, Vycle!The project takes inspiration from bicycles ... System The Alphago: Ai Wins 100 Games To ZeroTraditionally, AI works via imitation and co... System Video: Nasa's Ai Drone Raced A Human Pilot, It Is Something From A Sci-fi Film!NASA just tested the limits of artificial in... Drone Video: The puny robot says: "CHECKMATE"What is the point of taking on a challenge w... Chess This Is The Ultimate 360 Camera For Any PhotographerWith a minimalistic design, six lenses and i... Obsidian This Is The First 3d X-rayA New Zealand-based company, known as MARS b... Mars Here Are Five Of The Most Earth-Like PlanetsOne day, the Earth as we know it will be uni... Planets Why Are Captchas Getting Harder Than Ever?Internet Captchas (or Completely Automated P... Captchas Video: Multiplayer Virtual Reality Is Going More Realistic!OptiTrack has a new sensor that promises nat... Multiplayer Video: 3d Printed Artificial Heart Works Just Like A Real One!Researchers from the FUnctional Materials La... Heart Have You Seen This Autonomous Weed Killer Robot?This is the first ever completely autonomous... Robot A Rubik's Cube That Is Powered By A Robotic CoreThis is a Rubiks Cube that is powered by a s... Cube Video: This Gadget May Assist With Weight Loss Through Brain Stimulation!Everybody, at some stage of their lives, fel... Modius Video: Exoskeletons That Can Prevent Work InjuriesExoskeletons have been around for decades, b... Eksoskeleton Why Are Some People Interested In Microchipping Themselves?Thousands of people in Sweden have decided t... Digital Video: Astronauts's Urine Might Be The Answer To 3d Print In Space... Wait, What?When we eventually travel to the distant Red... Waste < 12345 >